The Inn Keeper

The Inn Keeper
on the road to Jericho

Thursday, June 28, 2018


Last semester, in one of the classrooms of a most prestigious preparatory academy, sat a young man from Brazil. His name was, well, let's call him Johnny. The teacher, D. Assálva prepared an activity to raise awareness about the importance of building a career. The first question of the research was what each of the pupils wanted to be when they grew up. Little Donald said he'd like to be president. Megan said she would become a princess someday. Firefighters, physicians, dentists and veterinarians were the most popular choices. Some people chose florists and even the preacher's son, Danny, who wanted to be like his father and grandfather before him. However, to the surprise and wonder of D. Assálva, Johnny said he would like to be a sports referee. When she inquired about what caused such a strange calling to a little twelve year old boy, he quickly replied, "My mother cut my hair and I am very angry with her!"

Ignore the bad behavior and it will go away... And so, the old teacher continued her survey asking the following questions: what is your parents’ profession? Where did they study? How long have they worked in such a service? The answers flowed just like the first question. Florists, dentists, doctors and veterinarians; When Johnny 's turn came, he proudly got up and said, "My father is a go-go boy, for those who do not know what that is," he explained in a well-rehearsed tone - "he's a stripper; he takes off his clothes for mon ... ", interrupted by D. Assalva, she scolded him for the funny business and told him to stay after class.
Worried, the teacher investigated where such negativity and rudeness came from. She said, " Johnny, I'm worried about you! -- Why would you say he was that awful thing? -- How can you be so angry with your parents?"
"Actually," he said, "I'm angry at my mother for the haircut she gave me, but with my father, I am just ashamed to admit that he's a Supreme Court justice!"
"When the wicked rules, the people moan." Proverbs 29: 2
We do not have to go very far to find historical accounts where corruption has overthrown a nation. Shortly before the fall of Rome, there was so much corruption that few even bothered to hide it. They made jokes about it. I would never do that! (Oh boy!). Do we have any doubt that political, governmental and corporate corruption is on the rise like never before? We include the truck drivers' strikes and roadblocks, robberies, robberies, sexual harassment and misconduct, and ponzy schemes, and then, our Federal Supreme Court judges in their do’s and undo’s of their decisions, the sort of person who plays and toils the morals of our nation. Fixing on our backs such decisions that free the crook and thieves. They traffic and they sign their sentences for money. We, the people end up either saying a blind “amen” to this, or we act like the hyena, (we eat dung and laugh…) we do all that, when we get confused and intertwined with the FIFA’s World Cup in Russia, and the repercussions of our fans, who show the same respect for Russian girls as the girls at the Brazilian street- funk dancing parties in the morros and favelas in the suburbs of Rio and São Paulo.
Friends, if any of you feel offended by my story of shame, as I re-wrote Johnny's joke, I'm really sorry. But for malfeasance, if ever seen worse than now, there is little anyone can do but laugh and really cry. Congress has shown contempt for public confidence. The bulk of the Senate's body makes most of us sick. Has our nation come to the point of no return? Is the economy really just a "house of cards" waiting to fall?
Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing ye may discern what is the will of God, what is good, acceptable, and perfect. Romans 12.12
It's not just the politician’s fault. Two sides are required to pay a bribe or receive a tip. The Bible is clear about how Christians should react to such things when exposed to them (at work, in particular, anywhere). 
"Do not partake of the fruitless works of darkness; instead, expose them. " Ephesians 5.11
We should not have "no part" or not participate, which does not mean a bit. To have "no part" means to avoid the "works of darkness," and that means avoiding those who do. In fact, we are instructed to expose them, for whoever breaks the laws of man also breaks the laws of God (Romans 13. 1-5), and if you break the laws of God over time, they will break him (and me). Even though keeping the law doesn’t save you (Ephesians 2. 8-9), even if we tried, we couldn’t do it without the works of Christa alone. A spirit of obedience and gratitude to God should replace Johnny’s shame. Our shame and the (morbid) sense of humor should be replaced by a fidelity caused by God's faithfulness. In Paul's words as he wrote for the church in Rome, "What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? By no means! Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, “That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged.” But if our unrighteousness serves to show the righteousness of God, what shall we say? That God is unrighteous to inflict wrath on us? (I speak in a human way.) By no means! For then how could God judge the world?? (Romans 3.3-6) After identifying and verifying who we are in the presence of God, we can understand that "being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (Romans 3.24)
The great news is that he is merciful to his elect. I conclude here with the words spoken in Psalm 103.3-13:
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. He made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the people of Israel. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


I used to keep snakes. When I started, they were just a couple of harmless garter snakes I picked up for a buck 99 at Martin’s Aquarium, a local pet shot in Jenkintown, PA, one of my favorite places to hang out and kill time in my early youth. Moving back to the farm in Brazil, as an adult, I still wanted to keep snakes. I even got some training done so I could become a handler. I also tried to make a few videos. Wanting to look like and talk like Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter… (oh Boy!)

At times, I kept inside aquariums, or terrariums, in my tool shed, some of the most dangerous snakes know to the South American soil. Lanceheads, crossheads, rattlers and coral snakes, I’ve played with them all. In order to feed the serpents, I kept mice, as pets for my son. Funny thing, he named them Bernard and Miss Bianca, from Disney’s The Rescuers. What he didn’t know is that the snakes ate his two little pet mice over and over… (Oh Boy!!)

I wasn’t ever really scared of the snakes. It was a different type of relationship. The feeling seemed to be more one of respect, awe, and astonishment. But the bottom line, when the lights went out, what I really, really enjoyed was the image it caused on others. Rather than reckless, I thought I was being a cool badass! And that was really important for me.

One time, while driving to Sao Paulo, wanting to make a delivery to the Butantã Institute. I had a fully mature male crotalus durissus (black rattlesnake for the laymen). It was almost 5 feet long. And all of a sudden it dawned on me: what if the snake broke loose in my car?  As I mentioned many times in my previous articles, there are only a few things that frighten me. And snakes aren’t one of those things. However, when I realized what could have happened, had the snake broken loose from its box? I decided to put an end to my snake-handling career. At age thirty-three, I needed to grow up a little bit. It was time to shun my image, and do something to preserve my life! Sort of like adapting what Jesus said in Mark 8:36 – just changing the words “life” to “image”, but keeping the thought: For whoever wants to save their IMAGE will lose it, but whoever loses their IMAGE for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? So I kindly donated all of the snakes I had to the research institute, and haven’t played with them since.

Sometimes for me (as I believe for many people too), keeping an image seems to be more important than keeping life itself. First of all, the image we want to portray is not the actual image people see in us. In order to produce an image that would impress others, I’ve had long hair, Elvis-style hair, no hair, earrings and different styles of clothing (no tattoos though—too permanent). I often tried to show off something I was not. I thought that by creating a “tough guy” persona that I would profit on the impression I caused people to have. So like playing with snakes, the dangers of living as to show off whatever we think will add value to us, may end up biting our behind! This attitude will often send people into their downward spiral, plunging to their deaths. I learned from the book of Acts, that our image should be what God wants us to be. That his grace should be seen in our lives and that his deliverance should speak louder than our acting.

After Paul shipwrecked (Acts 28:1-6), and safely made his way to shore on the island of Malta, he helped the kind natives build a fire. Little did he know that a poisonous snake was nestled in the firewood (what was he, blind? – probably…) he picked up, and “driven out by the heat, the snake bit him on the hand.” It didn’t just bite and let go; it hung on, the islanders thought, by that image, that Paul must have been a murderer and he was getting his just punishments from the gods. Even though Paul seemed unharmed after shaking off the snake, they still expected him to drop dead at any moment—and when he didn’t, the superstitious people “changed their minds and decided he was a god.” 

Interesting thing about Paul, is that he wasn`t trying to make an image for himself. As a matter of fact, his teaching is the opposite of that: 

“I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses. Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say,” (2 Corinthians 12.5,6)

“Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you”. (Romans 12.3)

In the episode on the Isle of Malta, the islanders showed the power of a worldview for interpreting experience--and how a non-Christian worldview often won't "get it right." Those who have a non-Christian attitude will try to make an image of themselves, either reaffirming their foolishness and self learned knowledge of the world, or they will try to re invent themselves, in order to impress others and influence people for their own gain. Like the middle aged man in crisis who buys a sports car or a motorcycle in order to show how youthful he is. Being bit by this kind of serpent will really injure your spiritual health. And most of the times send off the wrong image that you had in mind.

Unless the Lord opens our hearts to understand the true image of Christ, no witness, and no shape-shift, no miraculous sign may serve to show Christ. The Maltese are not alone in misinterpreting an image (see Acts 2:12-13; 3:12; 8:18-21; 14:11-18; 19:13-16). And today, if we seek to show something that we are not, or if we try to misinterpret someone else’s image, we fall under that same category as the Maltese did. Luke in writing the Acts of the apostles, points to our idolatry as he describes the "signs and wonders" movement only to bear witness to the greatness of God in Jesus. Not for us to be thought as a gods, but for us to shine the glory of God. 

If we keep snakes, jump off bridges tied to a rubber band, eat an expensive hamburger, or advocate for the sand dunes of the Kalahari; has more to do with likes or shares on the social media then to the enjoyment we reap from these activities; we are doing it for the wrong reasons. Whatever is not prescribed in the bible as a sin becomes sinful when we do it to impress people and ourselves. In 1Corinthians 10.31 Paul says: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Weather we get tattoos or wear an expensive suit and tie, write our posts; die our hair or give money to the poor, we must be sure that we do it for the right reason. 

Other then that, what is the right reason, well I don’t know. —But the wrong reason is to try to show off something you are not. 

Monday, June 25, 2018


Some boys of different ages played in the playground of one of the super blocks on the southern wing of Brasilia and began to disagree about something. I was not there, so the details may be out by one word or another. Anyway, the disagreement quickly turned into a discussion, and then into a mouthy cussing worthy of 7 to 10 years old boys. One of the boys, (now one of the most mature men I know), still under five, shouted a final argument that would (in his line of thought) put an end to all that mess. His bravado would surely give his group the laurels of victory: "I dare you to say Gertrude!" He said with great difficulty in uttering such a curse.

His line of thought - There was a TV ad for a furniture store at the time, when a crazy eddy type salesman advertised prices and the savings and discounts, in the end, he would say, "I dare you to say Gertrude!" which was the name of the store. It didn’t make the slightest sense, but it was funny. At my cousin's house, while Téquinho was not yet Tecone and was still learning to say big words, "Gertrude" was especially difficult for him, and the challenge he overcame by being able to pronounce correctly fit as well as any insult. Then he went on and challenged his enemies with a harsh sentence.

Lately, I've been writing a lot about spiritual growth and maturity. As we grow, we must biblically learn how to mature in our faith and holiness. However, as we learn from sources other than Scriptures, we end up learning whatever and from whoever it is, like the little boy who learned and formulated his insults and arguments from a TV commercial.

Our path to maturity is not a linear or chronological path. Often we are just adults who have forgotten to grow up. Often we are powerless and cannot find a role to play in the kingdom of God. Our missile-like insults and dares become as ineffective as the little boy on the playground. God tells us that we can take steps forward to become more mature and ready in His ways to experience the greatness of His power.

The Bible clearly distinguishes between those who are spiritually mature and immature. The Bible is full of examples of the immaturity of believers who have come to Christ. Paul and the other Apostles wrote letters that together with the Old Testament and the Gospels make up the whole of our doctrine and addressed some great failures, difficulties, and struggles. Their examples will guide true believers in growth. Starting from being little boys who fight their battles in the playground to make men and women who fight in spirit and truth.

1. OBEDIENCE - The only way we can win arguments and find the marks of Christian maturity and also become examples to be followed begins with obedience to the word of God.

As when Paul wrote to the Corinthians saying, "Do we begin again to praise ourselves? Or do we need, as some do, letters of recommendation for you, or of recommendation from you? You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men. For it is already manifest that you are the letter of Christ, ministered by us, and written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tables of stone, but on the tables of the flesh of the heart. (2 Corinthians 3: 1-3)

Paul goes so far as to say, "But if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel besides the one we preach to you, be under the curse of God!" (Galatians 1: 8)

Paul is literally saying that even if he strays from the pure message about Christ and His teaching, stop listening to Him! Clearly, he wanted to convey the Message of Christ in all its purity, because that is where the power is.

We see this with denominations that are moving away from the central aspects of the gospel - for example, those who say that it is okay to live in sin and not repent. Your followers implode within just a few years, because when you take the core of the message away, you take away the power of the Holy Spirit to change hearts and lives, and there's nothing left to stay around.

Paul tells us to establish those fundamental teachings about Christ, and to continue there to grow to maturity and the author of Hebrews, the author says: "Therefore, let us move beyond the elemental teachings about Christ and be brought to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance of acts that lead to death and faith in God, instruction in rites of purification, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. "(Hebrews 6: 3)

2. SELFCRITICISM - Stop pointing at other people and take a look at yourself! Little boys will always point to the failures of all others, and they will never see their own mistakes. Sometimes we blame others for our lack of arguments. "I bet you can not do this or that!" Or "I did it because you (or he/she, or they) acted like that!" The path to maturity begins when you realize your own shortcomings compared to the perfection of Jesus.

Do not judge so you are to not be judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged, and with what measure you measure you will be measured to you. And why sees thou the mote that is in your brother's eye, and sees not the beam that is in your eye? Or as you shalt say unto your brother, let me take the mote out of your eye, when there is a beam in your own? You hypocrite, first take the beam out of your eye, and then take care to take the mote out of thy brother's eye. (Matthew 7: 1-5)

A mature Christian comes to a point where he finally sees his own sins and continually focuses on repenting in his own life, and stops trying to be the watchdogs of the world. They understand the weakness of their own flesh.

There are times to challenge others, to speak truth to others and to the world, but those moments must be much fewer and more distant from each other as we focus on our own hearts above all else.

Mature Christians are much more gracious judges of others because these words of Jesus have reached their hearts and will never be the same.

3. SELFCONTROL - You are not the watchdog of the world! Immature Christians cannot fail to speak their opinions on everything and everyone around them that follows the wrong paths. They think they are the spiritual police of the world.

James, teaching the church how to be mature, said, "For we all stumble in many things: if any man stumble in word, he is perfect, and mighty also to restrain the whole body" (James 3: 2)

This verse is so refreshing - first, because James calls it as it is - we all make more mistakes than we want to admit. Second, spiritual maturity comes from being more careful with the words we say.

Ephesians 4:29 4: 2-3 takes us a step further: "Let not a word of stubbornness come out of your mouth, but only that which is good for building up, that it may give grace to them that hear it." humility and meekness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, seeking to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. "

Stubbornness means dishonest, shameful. It is related as motive for various things, like crimes, homicides, suicides, and so on. Awkward is something disgusting, indecent, infamous and impudent. A stubborn crime is one that contains cruelty, usually very violent homicides and / or aggression. There are also crimes for futile reasons, which is that motivated by nonsense and vain motives. Awkward is also related to the speech of some people, with the words one uses. Awkward words are those whose meaning is dirty, obscene, and not used by people of the educated, decent, or moral character.

If you want to mature in your faith in Christ, dwell in these verses. Run everything else you do in your Christian life through them. Walking with humility, kindness and patience for others. Keep careful guard over your mouth and your sayings.

4. DEPENDENCE - One of the most important steps of the Christian walk is the total dependence of Christ. Dependence on Christ not only acknowledge that he has paid the price of his salvation but understand the reason why he chose you, which is for the fellowship in the communion of believers. There is no way to say that you love the Lord if you cannot love his bride, the church.

Mature Christians do not do much of themselves and their good works and progress. They make a lot out of being like Jesus. They believe in Jesus when he says:

1 "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned. 7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. 9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. 10 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. 11 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. 12 "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. (John 15: 1-15)

Even as mature Christians are growing in faith and holiness, they do not become more independent of Christ or of their brethren in Christ, nor of themselves, because they know that their growth comes through standing in Christ - depending in Christ alone - and obedience to His command to love God and love others. Mature Christians do not take credit for themselves; they humbly follow Jesus into the fellowship of Christ's flock.

5. FAITHFULNESS - As I said at the beginning of this article, I wasn’t there on the playground. I don’t know if my cousin's playmates laughed at him or not. But if they laughed, they were reprehensible in my notebook. One of the marks of maturity, and one of the steps to achieving this maturity is the faithfulness that we demonstrate to God and our neighbors. The “gospel kids” like to expose their brothers, and point out the mistakes of whom we should show even more love. Faithfulness to Christ will automatically produce fidelity to one's neighbor, which is called long-suffering. (See also Genesis 9.18-10.32)

The good news is, "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Put away your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts with double mind. "The next step to God is what James says:" I have felt your miseries, and I mourn and weep; let your laughter be converted into mourning, and your joy into sorrow. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you. "And the secret of success is," Brethren, speak ye not one of the brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother, and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law, and judges the law; and if you judge the law, you are no longer an observer of the law but a judge. (James 4: 8-11)
As we approach God, we experience His goodness, grace, and glory in our lives in new ways.

The apostle Peter tells us:

5 For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, 6 and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, 7 and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. 8 For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins. 10 Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall. 11 For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1: 5-11

The marks of a mature believer, is not the challenge of who is greater, if one can say "Gertrude", or "Hypostatic Union", or "Predestination", or "sola this and sola that" - The study of theology is very important and vital for knowledge. They are terms and definitions that must be known, but they do not define us if we do not generate the marks of Christ in our hearts. I’m SOLA SORRY - Such things that are common in the "kinder gardens of life" or in the playgrounds of big boys who never grew up. They are just marks imprinted by Satan in our midst to confuse us and impede our growth.

The real marks of a mature Christian are: faith, goodness, God's knowledge of His Word, self-control, perseverance through difficulties, piety (imitation of Christ), mutual affection for other believers and for the Church (mature or immature Christians and non-Christians also). Doing our best to love people according to 1 Corinthians 13.

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God, to destroy strongholds. "(2 Corinthians 10: 3-4) The mature believer does not aim to detonate people, it is not a street fight; planned according to the way the world fights, earthly strategies are not our concern, our weapons are not physical, because our war is spiritual in nature, instead of weapons and tanks, our weapons are those of "armor of God, "which consist of" the truth and clothed you with the breastplate of righteousness. Shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; always embracing the shield of faith, with which you can erase all the fiery darts of the Evil One. Take also the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God "(Ephesians 6: 14-17).

Mature Christians do not remain idle in their faith, pointing out the shortcomings of others. Mature Christians will trust and obey the Lord, making every effort to enjoy the fellowship of believers, knowing that there are Christian babies and Christian boys, and we all seek the maturity of our Lord as we walk in him. And to finish: I dare you to say GERTRUDE!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Christian Boys to Men - a true story

THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE STORY – During the summer of 1986, in Wyncote, PA four currently well-known pastors were involved in the rescue of an elderly man from a wreckage due to his accident. Each one of them played a vital role in this heroic true story, thus participating in the Christian boys to men process.

The loud crashing sound came from just up the hill from where we were. My father, brother and another friend had just gotten our soft pretzels, and each of us with a different reaction to an emergency situation. Thus separating the men from the boys.

My father and brother ran toward the bang. Our friend and I ran the opposite direction, seeking our safety. At the crash site, a reckless car lost its control, as the driver rampaged stepping on the gas pedal, and taking out two light posts, a newspaper stand and the front window of the local dinner at the corner of Cheltenham Av. and Easton Rd, right across the Cedarbrook Plaza.

Dad and Davi were the first ones to arrive at crash. Instinctively, they removed the driver from the car, assessing the situation. As my father began to check for the man’s vital signs, he instructed my brother to go back to the wrecked car and remove the battery wires (which were giving off sparks).  “No way, Dad!” he replied, and continued: “I risked myself to save the man, but I’m not going close to that car again. Let it blow!”

I was only twelve at that time, and our visitor friend did well in steering me away from danger. Only after we made certain the peril was over, we carefully walked over to the debris filled scene of the accident. When we got there we saw the whole big mess, a bunch of people watching, and the only help while help was on the way was Dad and Davi.

Back then; my dad was a student at Westminster Theological Seminary, also furthering his graduate studies at CCEF (Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation)—So he wanted to put into practice some of the skills he was learning in theory. To no success, it seemed, my father began to speak to the man. His response was puzzling. He just catatonically stared at my father’s face, and it looked like he was in shock. It was then that my brother noted that Dad was speaking in Portuguese to the man. His astonishment was due to not understanding a single word he was saying; rather to the wreck itself. (Oh boy!)

After the firemen and paramedics arrived, feeling the thrill of saving the day, we walked back to the Cedarbrook Plaza, so my Dad could treat us to an ice scone. As we made our way there, our visiting friend said in a low voice. “I hate it that I learned how to run away from trouble instead of being the hero…”

What is it that separates the men from the boys? What does the Bible say about courage? What does the bible say about cowardice? In scripture, courage is also referred to as "good cheer" which means boldness and confidence. 

Cowardice, o the other hand, the word translated “cowardly” in the few places where the actual word is mentioned, implies fearfulness and timidity. It is also defined sometimes, that a coward is someone who doesn’t have the courage to do difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant things. (John 20.19, Matthew 14.5, 1 Samuel 13.6-7, 1 Kings 19.2-3, Jonah 1.10)

However, it would be too simple and unfair to label the new kids on the block by simply evaluating their reactions to danger. As we grow in the lord, maturing from boys to men, we are assured from his protection, and we rely on his guidance so that we may do our duty, to help others as we conquer our fears and live a life full of determination.  It is God that commands us to have courage, and that requires faith and confidence in Him. (1 Chronicles 28:20, 1 Corinthians 15:58, Ephesians 6:10)

What happened that day, was not a showcase to separate boy from men, it was actually a display of the different way we exercise our gifts and talents, as we become heroes in God’s eyes. Once we are in Christ, God sees us through Jesus’ heroic success, and no through our own strengths and weaknesses.  In 2Corinthians 5.17, we are told that when we are in Christ we are made new creatures. We become courageous and shed ourselves from fear, anxiety and cowardice. Here’s how:

1. The young Christian boy  - In Luke 2.41-52, we read about Jesus going to the temple and surprising all the elders by his knowledge of scripture. As a child, no one is expected to do more then what a child does. If your childhood heroic deeds didn’t make the news, or if you think you should have done more; you can be sure that your role as a young Christian boy is not to jump into a fire or do something dangerous. You do have to have the courage to accept that God has many specific plans for your life. You should get to know the word of Scripture!

2. The Christian visitor -Sometimes we are called to be witnesses to what God is doing, and just as Paul and Barnabas were called to minister the word of God, In Acts 13.42-52, our visiting friend was there to be my company, helping me, keeping me out of harm’s way. He was there to witness, and in that way, he was a participant in the story of heroism that afternoon.

3. The Christian young man – Courage and foolishness may sometimes confuse themselves. One may risk himself for the sake of others, that is courage. But placing yourself at risk for appearances or less important situations is just plain dumb. Like when my brother went into the wreckage to get the man out, but chose not to do it once there was nobody else to rescue. If you find yourself seeking affirmation, look to Christ. When you find yourself needing significance, look for Jesus. When danger surrounds you, and fear begins to grow, look to Christ (Philippians 1:29–30).

4. The Christian mature man - We need to be strong (2 Corinthians 10.9). God is almighty and powerful (Psalm 147.5), and he calls us to be heroes. He calls us to tend to the widow and the orphan (Psalm 146.9). He calls us to have compassion and to council the bumped and bruised, like my father did to the driver in the crash (Isaiah 40.11; Luke 1.78). 

Our calling in Christ is not to be tough guys who are insensitive to the needs and feelings of others. We are definitely not called to be hypersensitive people without any backbone, who fold and flee from trouble. What separates boys from men is not what we do. The difference is in how we do it. 

Finally, don’t forget the promise from Joshua 1.9: “The Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go.” He is only a prayer away. He makes heroes out of boys and turns boys into men we grow in our walk with him.  

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Test your skills: Questions that guarantee your position in the Heaven

How about getting hired for a job that gives you maximum benefits, astronomical wages and unlimited privileges - all without requiring any effort from you! Does that sound too good to be true? But it's true! Just answer these 4 questions correctly and the job is yours!

According to a consulting firm, which I found on the web, about 90% of people fail to answer these questions correctly. But children often get it right. It said on the website that these questions are used to evaluate the ideal of "thinking outside the box" for hiring management, administration, and sales people. They often use these questions as a test to fill the best positions in the job market.

The questions are easy and the answers are well known. Easy enough, even for small children. Now, here is where the Christian should wear his “thinking hat”: How can a person prove that he is a Christian, and what difference should be seen in one's life after being found by the Grace of God? Then test our skills. The first of the four questions on each of the sets are just well-known jokes, but the questions I found in the Bible, which come after the funny jokes, are no laughing matter but a reason for rejoicing in the Lord.

1. How do you put a giraffe in the refrigerator?
The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, place the giraffe and close the door.

Now the real question:
1. How do you put a terrible person like you (Romans 3:23) out of the way of hell and into the loving arms of salvation?
Wrong answers: being a good person? Following all the rules? Giving money to the poor? (Ephesians 2: 9)
The correct answer is: Looking to Jesus and accepting the fact that he died for his sins and that he came back to life from the dead. (John 3:16)
The question wanted to test if you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way. The true question attests to the power of God's salvation, loving you when you were still dead in your sins. (Ephesians 2: 5)

2. How do you put an elephant inside the refrigerator?
Wrong Answer: Open the refrigerator, place the elephant and close the refrigerator.
Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put the elephant and close the door.

2. How can you stop doing wrong and sinful things?
Wrong Answers: Just Stopping? (John 8:34, Romans 7:15)
Correct Answer: Removing your evil deeds through confession to Christ, then fill yourself with the Spirit of the Lord. (Ephesians 4: 28-32). This proves your ability to reflect on the repercussions of your actions.

3. Lion King hosts a party of animals, all animals except one. Which animal will not?
Correct Answer: The Elephant. He's stuck in the fridge.

3. Jesus called you to follow him to a party, how can we be convinced to participate, and make sure we get there (and not stay in the refrigerator like the elephant)? (Luke 14.16-24).
Correct answer: We will be persuaded and even constrained to follow him, and we will be sure in our hearts (John 16: 8-13). The Bible tells me so (Romans 8:30). In addition to testing your memory, make sure that you are always relying on God's power to lead you on your journey.

Ok, even if you have not answered the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your skills in the Test questions:

4. There is a river that you must cross. But it's infested with crocodiles. How do you manage this?
Correct Answer:  You just go ahead and swim your way across. All the crocodiles are at the party with all the other the animals at the Lion king’s house! (Oh Boy!)

4. If on your way to follow Jesus there is a river full of crocodiles, and scary things, and dubious and sinful thoughts, and even if you get lost on the way. How can you find your way back?
Correct answer: Jesus promised us that we would go through difficulties, but he also promised us that he would be with us till the end (John 16:33). He also promises us that when we confess our sins, he is faithful in forgiving and purifying us (1 John 1: 9), putting us back on the right path.

God calls us to live in the fellowship of brothers and sisters, which is the gathering of a local church (John 17.23). The instruction that qualifies us for this job opening is the love that the Lord places in our hearts, demonstrated in the fellowship, worship and mutual service of the other officials of the Lord's kingdom (Galatians 5.13, Hebrews 6.10). It is an undertaking that takes place in a wonderful celebration, which has in mind to celebrate the brilliance of Jesus Christ. If you answered the four questions in your heart, you can be sure that when the Lord's wonderful feast happens, you will be together with him and his (2 Thessalonians 2.14).

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

5 Steps Guaranteed to end your Panic Attack

Three years ago, my family and I were at the Mt Fuji Safari Resort in Japan, and as we posed to get our picture taken with a baby lion, the handler gave us strict instructions of how to hold it, and warned us not to play with it and not to pet it- just hold on tight. Well, I didn’t heed to the instructions, and went on to scratch his little cubby ears. Oh boy, the little cub let out a huge roar, and snapped at my hands almost biting it off. I believe that was the most scared I ever felt in my life. It was a real threat. I didn’t follow instructions and almost paid heavily for that mistake.

There are very few things that really scare me. I don’t think there was anytime in my life when I panicked. However, my heart really goes out to some people I know who are afflicted with this newly addressed but old situation. I say this, because when I read through my bible, I can see that there was lots of people who often times felt afraid. Like Joseph, Job, Moses, Gideon, Peter and the disciples, and the list goes on. However, I couldn’t find a description such as todays to devastating power of panic syndrome.

It is so easy to feel anxious, worried, overwhelmed, or just out of control in our lives. Many things around us cause us to stress or fear, and everywhere we turn, it seems like more bad news pops up.

According to some experts, “Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by reoccurring unexpected panic attacks. Panic attacks are sudden periods of intense fear that may include palpitations, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, numbness, or a feeling that something really bad is going to happen.

I recently talked to a friend, and while we talked, I really felt his pain. I wish there was a way for me to just say a word and make his panic go away. A few years back, Bob Newhart had a skit in a comedy show, which portrayed a most effective counseling session. And at the same an insensitive way that some people are using to deal with people who have the panic syndrome. Watch the skit here:

The counseling session I am referring to is called “Stop It!” If you haven’t seen it yet, you’ll laugh quite a bit, even if you deal with panic yourself. But for a quick overlook, a woman, named Katherine Bigmans, goes to the psychiatrist—Dr. Switzer (Bob Newhart). He informs her that his counseling sessions are $5 for the first five minutes and then nothing after that. Katherine is delighted, but the doctor assures her that the session won’t be longer than five minutes. Katherine proceeds to tell the doctor her situation, and so the skit goes on, but his answer for everything is just a saying: STOP IT! And for a few minutes, his only way to help her is by saying: STOP IT!

At the end of the plot, since there are a couple of minutes left, Dr. Switzer invites her to address any other issues in her life. Katherine then tells the doctor that she is bulimic, and that she sticks her fingers down her throat, to which Dr. Switzer replies, “Stop it! Are you a nut of some kind?” The counseling session continues for the full five minutes. After some back-and-forth haggling over the simple solution, the doctor ends the session with his final advice to her of ten words: “Stop it or I’ll bury you alive in a box!"

In order not to sound like Bob Newhart’s Dr. Switzer, I looked for 5 steps that you are guaranteed to beat any kind of panic attack!

1. Pause and think biblically - Fear is not of God. He instead gives us good gifts -- power, love, and a clear mind. He desires more for us, and we can accept those good gifts and leave the fear and worry behind through his grace. When fear, panic or anxiety begins to show its symptoms, read these words. 
• For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 
• It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

2. Know that there you are safe - Jesus passed through worse situations than you. He carried the guilty of our sins and told us not to be afraid. Nothing can harm or damage your soul. Even death is under God’s rule.
• When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalms 56:3 
• The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalms 34:18

3. Take refuge, find strength - Jesus promises us that he is always with us and will always strengthen us. 
• So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 
• Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. Colossians 3:15

4. Feel the peace - When we come to know Jesus and his mercy, we come to find his peace during the worse times
• And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 
• LORD, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us. Isaiah 26:12

5. Stiff upper lip, make a fist and be strong - Jesus has freed us, but we must rely on his power and his love to get us there. Be strong in him. Trust in him. Let him guide you and let him be your peace. 
• Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 
• The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace. Psalms 29:11

Some people really do experience all kinds of traumas. The impact of sin in our lives is terrifying, but when we come to Jesus, and submit to his mercy, we also submit to his instructions. Most of the times, we put ourselves in dangerous situations, like I did with the little big lion cub. I didn’t follow instructions and almost had my hand bitten off. I thought “Its just a little baby…” But following God’s commandments, through his grace, we are sure to find that we can be as strong as He is. So go at it, He’s already won our victory!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

3 Steps for The a most excellent game of Hide-and-seek

A long long time ago, in a distant and far away land of my childhood, our church kids club had a whole week/holiday retreat . Besides the many games and activities that were offered to the kids, during the free time we had, while solme older kids played soccer, the younger one played hide and-seek.

I read somewhere today that playing hide-and-seek is a traditional part of all of our childhoods and with the benefits it gives growing children, it’s a tradition that should be carried on into the future.

However, when evening came, some of the older kids wanted to play the game a little differently. You see, I used to snore very loudly, and so, they decided to hide me far away from everybody else, playing a version of the game that I call “hide-and-then sleep”. So when I was sleping, they dragged my entire mattress and sleeping bag out to the dining shed, thus making it possible for them to sleep far away from my snoring.

Tia Leni, de children’s club director soon noticed I was missing, and she looked all over the place for me. In place of my bed, they left a drawing (Pedro Lemos). In the pôster, I slept in the cafeteria, sucking on my thumb in the company of the frogs, who seemed to be very annoyed by my snoring. She looked for me even inside the big oven, she thought I was being mischivious, while, the whole time the joke was on me. Sometimes, I too feel the desire to do this with some little brothers in the church. Then I remember how I felt about that night.

I felt really horrible. I felt left out, unwanted. Felt like the other kids didn’t like me enough to endure through a sleepless night of heavy breathing. Today, I noticed that in grown up churches, some of the kids also don’t look like they want to endure through bothersome times when younger christians are just doing what they do, weather awake or asleep.

In Psalms 133, David, the young king proposes a diferent atitude for the christian church. He says “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell in unity!” This psalm brings us a brief lesson on unity and brotherly love, which, if we didn’t see the miseries of quarrels between people, we have to say it and sing it until all people are persuaded to live together in peace.

Some say that King David wrote this psalm because of the union between the tribes when they all met to make him king. It is a psalm of general use to all societies, smaller and larger, civil and sacred. I found that this passage, speaks to the church today as a commandment that teaches:

1) The doctrine of the happiness of brotherly love (v. 1). Games are fun, but we should all be on the look out for our younger brothers and sisters in the church. We can‘t drag them away from us nor mock their weaknesses.

2) The illustration of that doctrine, in two illustrations: It is like the fine oil upon the head That ran down upon the beard, Upon Aaron's beard, That ran down upon the hem of his garments; (v. 2). What does oil mean? Anointing. Blessing. Consecration. Aaron’s role as high priest, the mediator between God and man. This is the image of the oil being so thick it is pouring off Aaron’s beard and his clothes. It’s a picture of the place where God’s blessing has overflowed and people are in harmony with each other because of it.

3) Like the dew of Hermon that came down upon the mountains of Zion. (v. 3) What is the meaning of this dew? In the mountain region of Israel, rain is scarce, only fallyng during a short time of the year, so dew is just as important the rain. In this period, the dew forms during the night making it possible for the fruit and crop to grow. Without it, the they will shrivel and not mature.

I didn’t find out until morning came, but my older brother (who is named after King David) was looking out for me. He picked me up, and took me to a safe place to sleep, right beside him. He didn’t care that I snored. I am his little brother, and he had my back no matter how much of an erk I could be. His atitude was and is to me, the real meaning of Psalm 133.

This has been very meaningful to me. This verse speaks about the dew of Mt. Hermon falling on the mountains of Jerusalem. I find it wonderful that this image of dew produces a great harrvest used to describe the effect of unity. In our culture, we seem to value individuality and confort over learning to submit ourselves and work along side of others to acheive a greater goal. Like what my brother did. Protecting me in my slumber, not minding it’s volume. It imprinted in me a character of care and unity that irrigated a life of good experiences and great harvest for the church of Christ. That experience changed and redeemed my feelings about that retreat.

So the next time you, and your church decide to play any kind of games, remember the final word of this Psalm, “For there the Lord lhas commanded the blessing, life forevermore.” Your hide-and-seek should be more inclined in the seek than in the hide. So close your eyes, count to ten and, ready or not, here we come!

Monday, June 18, 2018

How to experience grief over the loss of your pet

A time of change:
Lately, I've struggled a lot with change. I've never been a big fan of change. It was difficult to change cities in my childhood, for example when I moved from Jaú to Brasilia, from the city where I had my first friends. So when I finally settled in Brasilia, again, we moved to the United States. There, from Philadelphia to Boston, Florence and back to Boston, then back to Brasília, then to the Seminary in Campinas and Goiânia, and back to Brasília, after São Paulo to Mogi. There were so many changes. A lifetime left behind often, here and abroad. I was happy to change when I met Marcia and we got married and it completely changed our lives, and since then, the changes have always been a bit more common and easier at times. Four years ago, we had a huge change of pace when we responded to God's call to come to Japan. So here it is! (Wow) Some changes are easier, others are more difficult...

Today, I was watching an episode of "Parks and Recreation," and a man named Ron tells Ron Swanson, who is having a hard time dealing with the death of a friend, that the only thing consistent in life is change. For those of us who are stubborn for change, this truth is sometimes the hardest to swallow.

Death, as Ron put it, is a great change that everyone has to face at some point in their life and, for some reason, it seems that death is everywhere. Michael Jackson died, and then beloved actor Robyn Williams also died. Billy Graham died and RC Sproul died. (Elvis did not die-Oh you brat you!). Death affects everyone. Unknown and beloved fans, friends and relatives die and leave their suffering impact. Each in a way, each person their pain. In the same way, here I am writing this still under the effect of my beloved godfather Marcos, who finally passed away due to a disease that struck him. This is awful, right? Death is the biggest and most painful change anyone can face. Someone you and many others have loved and cherished is gone forever, and leaves a hole in your heart that not even 15 mini-chip chocolate chip cookies can fill (yes, I ate 15 mini-chip chocolate chip cookies today, and I plan eat more).

So how do you deal with the death of a loved one, the death of a beloved celebrity or the death of one or hundreds of people you do not even know? Death is scary. It's absolutely terrifying. Maybe you believe everything in life happens for a reason. Perhaps some die to teach us lessons, to teach us to love or to teach us to let go. Maybe you believe there is no paradise or hell and that once you pass, you are dead and gone, or maybe you believe our souls go elsewhere on this earth. John Lennon (dead) told us to simply imagine ... I do not know what you believe in, and I certainly do not have all the answers either. No matter what you believe, be sure that God knows and he loves us, and he promised that the ultimate enemy, death would be dead. Because? Because Jesus was raised from the dead. And that makes all the difference.

A friend's widow (this friend died last year) posted something on Facebook about the death of her husband that made me laugh: "Although it's a big loss here, the tenors of the celestial choir have become much stronger and fun." What a beautiful image, is not it?

Everyone deals with death differently. Some people try to stay positive and remember all the loving memories they've had together, some get drunk and lie in bed for a few days, some are confused and do not know what to do - that's how I feel about everything that seems to be death to be on the prowl. Who is next? I think one of the most disturbing parts of death is that you realize that any of us can be next. Death could pick you up right away.

Okay, so here I go again. Living in Japan, away from EVERYONE I love. My parents already graying and feeling the effects of old age, my brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and my nephews. Twins and twins, geniuses, geniuses and geniuses - Far from us. Mogi to Philly for the Goias inland to Nagoya. This is a long and wide range of concerns that I really have to surrender to our Lord, knowing that he loves us and has a mission for us. Here I go again. Okay, to sum up the long story. I received the call yesterday - (the calls from Brazil here, always cause a bit of distress, until we talk a little and know that the news is: ok!). My brother said some "hellos" and "all’s good" and small talk, but I soon realized that it was one of those phone calls. Then he said, "Danny, I have some sad news ..." You see, when you live away from your loved ones, these are really the hardest words anyone can say. You start to expect the worst.

I actually felt some relief when he finally left with the subject. My lovely little black dog died. She (IT, and I call dogs its!) coiled under the car and died on a cold night in Mogi das Cruzes. I really loved this dog. Nina, as we called it, had a real story with us. Many times Nina gave me good reasons to thank and praise God: Nina had warned me about thieves in our house, so often warned us about snakes and dangers. It ran to us in order to find out if we were all right when we called it ... (or to see what it had to eat). Nina was a good dog. It was born on November 17, 2006 and its body went to the ground yesterday. What happens to it’s soul? Do dogs have souls? I remember a movie whose title was, "All the dogs go to heaven," and you know what? I asked God yesterday, that one day I could see that little black, loop eared thing that I considered my friend. I wonder if in a doggy paradise, Honey and Alleph, and Madame Meihn, and Pett, and Dolly and Toby, and Shoyu, and Kairos, and Kronos, and Black and Decker are all running around barking or chasing after a birdie (will they go to heaven?). I leave here my posthumous tribute also, to Sigmund Freud, my cat, to Carl Young, to Chessy, to Fandemim, (in português meas – He’s my Fan) and to the most special kitten, Nails (Neusinha) Itioka! All dear ones, they were part of my family's history.

The shock and pain that come with the loss of a pet is deep. In God's eyes, your pain and loss are very real and you will find comfort from time to time. Consider Matthew 5: 4, which says, "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted."

Others may not have empathy with the depth of the relationship you had with your pet, but that does not mean it was never true. People consider their pets as part of the family. Although pets are not people, and therefore should not receive the same value of people, pets love their human beings the same way they are loved (or more). Do not feel ashamed or guilty about the death of your beloved animal friend, but value the special moments you shared with your pet.

Dealing with the loss may seem impossible, but believe that you will find confort, with the help of God. There are healthy ways to work through the grieving process to feel more at peace and comfort.

Almost everyone has already lost a beloved pet. They become part of family history and many couples who do not have children consider their pets as their own children. So what happens to the animals after they die? Are they going to heaven? Will we ever see our beloved puppies again? What is their destination? What does the Bible say about animals after they die? These precious beloved animals include dogs, cats, horses and even some unorthodox pets that families have come to love and to suffer after they have left. I have kept snakes, lizards, caterpillars, rats, praying mantis, guinea pigs (I still have them), parrot, turtles, aquarium fishes, and hundreds of other creatures that were part of who I am, of whom my family is. Let's see what the Word of God says about whether animals or pets go to heaven or not?

Pets Make Up Family History
Are pets part of the family? This may seem like a trivial matter for some people, but for those who have pets, this is a question that was asked particularly after the death of their pets. What does the Bible say about babies, small children who die before accepting Jesus Christ as Savior or babies who were still murdered in the womb? A good argument can be made that God shows a special favor to the covenant children who die, so that believers may have more confidence than others that their children dying in infancy are among the elect. This idea is implicit in the fact that God does not treat his people with the same rigidity with which he treats others. On the contrary, with his covenant people, he is slow to anger and quick to show mercy. He also has a special love for the children of believers (Ps 103.17). Moreover, God's love for believers inclines him to be good to believers, and the Bible tells us that children are a gift from God to believers (Psalm 127: 3). This implies that one way in which God blesses the members of the covenant is by treating their children with mercy (compare Genesis 26.24; 1 Kings 11.12). In addition, the ideal blessing God describes for his people includes the life and blessing of their children (Isaiah 65: 18-23), creating for us an expectation that God will be good to our children even when they die in childhood (ie, that he elected them). When parents lose a child, they can be comforted by that fact, but that does not mean they will not be afflicted. It turns out, this is the doctrine that concerns people, not the animals we adopt or buy for our pleasure.
I remember losing many other pets and losing them is painful; our family has been saddened by those who also lost their animals. They are part of the family. They are treated often as a child and I had some pets that I thought they were humans by the way they acted. They are not. They are assets for the Family and make up the history of it. They are what they are. Animals at the service of humanity. Assets for the Family. Only in this sense can they be called family members.

I know several couples who are incapable of having children and therefore are especially attached to their pets and love them as they would their own children if they were able to have them. Many elderly couples and those who have seen a dying spouse are left alone with their pets, and their companionship sustains them through many lonely days and long nights. The love of a pet is often completely unconditional. They do not care about your day, what went wrong at work, what is your mood when you get home. They are always ready to jump on your lap and are so filled with joy to see you demonstrate that love in your actions. How many times have I come home from a hard day at work just to see my dogs or cats rush to greet me. The display of joy at seeing me made me forget the difficult day I had because they were there to fulfill an anxious expectation (intentional redundancy).

Famous Christians who have said that pets go to heaven:
Randy Alcorn in his book called "Heaven" states that the animals will be present in the Kingdom of Heaven. Famous Christian authors who believe that pets go to heaven include: C.S. Lewis, Peter Kreeft, Sylvia Brown, Niki Behrikis Shanahan, James Herriot and dozens and dozens of others; the list of Christian pastors, theologians, and clergymen is too long to list here. Suffice it to say that many Christians believe that pets will go to heaven and that there will be animals in heaven.

What the Bible says about animals
Let's take a look at the scriptures that relate to animals and what is said about them:

Ecclesiastes 3: 18-21: "As for humans, God tests them so that they will see that they are like animals. Certainly the fate of human beings is like that of animals; the same fate awaits the two: when one dies, the other dies. All have the same breath (literally "spirit"); humans have no advantage over animals. Everything is meaningless. Everyone goes to the same place; all come from the dust and to the dust all return. Who knows if the human spirit rises and if the spirit of the animal descends to the earth? "

Job 12.10 "In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath (literally" spirit ") of all mankind."

Genesis 9: 9-10 "I have now established my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and all the living creatures that are with you-the birds, the flocks, and all the wild beasts, all that came forth out of the ark. with you - every living creature on earth.

Genesis 9:16 "Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it, and I will remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on earth."

Genesis 6: 19-22 "You shall bring to the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. Two of all types of birds, all kinds of animals and all sorts of creatures that move along the ground, will come to you to be kept alive. You should get all kinds of food that should be eaten and keep it as food for you and for them. "Noah did everything just as God commanded him."

Genesis 1:30 And to all the beasts of the earth, and all the birds of the air, and all the creatures that move on the ground, all things that have the breath of life, I give every green plant food.

Hosea 2:18 "In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, the birds of the sky, and the creatures that move on the ground. Bow and sword and battle shall be abolished from the earth, that all may lie down safely. "

Luke 12: 6 "Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet none of them is forgotten by God. "

Animals in heaven
The Bible indicates that animals will exist after their return and the beginning of the Kingdom, as Isaiah 11: 6-9 says:

"The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and spend the year together; and a little child shall lead them. The cow will feed on the bear, its young will lie down together and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The child will play near the snake's lair, the child will put his hand in the viper's nest. There shall be no hurt or damage in all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. " Here is the Word of God, declaring that animals will still exist in the future after the coming of Christ.

Ecclesiastes mentions that there is a "spirit" in man, but also in animals in (3: 19,21), but this does not necessarily mean that it is an eternal spirit.

Revelation 19: 11-14 indicates, for example, that Jesus returned to earth with his army of saints on white horses: "I saw the sky standing open and before me was a white horse whose knight is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like burning fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on it that no one knows, but himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and clothed in fine linen, white and clean. "

Trust that God is in control of your whole creation.
Any pain your pet may have experienced is gone. There is no more suffering and your pet is now at peace. Let it ease your heart.

Recognize your mourning as valid
It is not a random animal that you lost. Your pet was a valuable member of your family history. But not a member, not a person.

Recognize that your mourning is valid. Research supports the fact that a pet loss is as devastating as the loss of a friend or family member. No one has whined in the same way and there is no record of the date and time in the process. At least 87% of pet owners feel a symptom of sadness after the animal's death. Six months later, 35% of pet owners continue to suffer, and more than a year later, 22% still feel this painful loss.

How long your pain lasts and how you choose the grieving process are all valid. You can feel the five stages of sadness as you would any beloved person: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Take the time you need to mourn your loss in all your stages and know that your pain is real.

Reach out to loved ones who lost pets
Other friends and family of the pet owner have experienced the pain that you are going through and will empathize with many aspects of your pain. Reach out to your loved ones and let them give comfort to your heart.

Share stories of your pet's beautiful memories and talk about the struggles you are going through in pain. Let others help you carry the weight.

Honor the passage of your animal
As you would with the death of a loved one, a funeral service and memorial will help you to mark the death of your pet. It is not "too much" to honor your pet that way, because his relationship with him was important and transformative. Your pet had a sweet, crazy, or grumpy personality and is a unique being, just like anyone else! But remember the perspective. People come before animals. And some people are suffering the loss of a father and son husband. Be careful that your suffering does not exceed the loss of a person.

Meet with family and friends to tell stories about each of your pets. Invite others to bring photos and food, as in any memorial service. Create a special scrapbook with photos of your pet and record his or her memories of your loved ones. Looking back, these memories will help ease your pain.

When an animal dies, you may not feel like talking about it. You do not have to say anything, but consider journaling as an option. Writing helps you work through the grieving process and helps you keep track of how you are feeling. A diary is not a place of sadness, but of growth, and you can also write about happy times.

No matter how small or how much, let the words flow from your pen and heart to the page. No one else has to read these words but a magazine provides a place for the feelings and a haven for your heart when no one else seems to be listening.

Offer your pain to God, for that is not a burden to him. He is always listening. No matter how confusing your words are, let your heart talk to him. God knows your heart better.

Take your Bible and read Revelation 21.4: "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, mourning, crying or pain, for the old order of things is past. "When the suffering of your pet ceases, time will also heal your suffering. Let him share his pain and let him wipe his sad eyes.

Your little animal has found peace, and you will also find comfort as the weight of pain eases. With the help of family, friends and God, the burden will not be so heavy. Reach out to others and honor the memory of your pet. Know that your pain is valid, unique and a reflection of the powerful bond between you and your Family, and the part that your pet played to bring joy and happiness to you.

The conclusion

In examining the scriptures, we simply do not have biblical support to state with certainty whether our pets will be in heaven, but it seems that animals will exist in the kingdom of heaven (Isaiah 11: 6-9). If our pets are resurrected or not, we simply can not say for sure. A more important question is if you, the reader, are in heaven. It is useless to ponder the question of whether your pet goes to heaven if you are not there yourself. The only way to be sure is to make sure you can go there. Decide today to follow Jesus Christ as your Savior and be sure that you will go to heaven and receive eternal life. When we learn that Jesus gave himself up for people, and that he gave people the use, the benefit, the food, the amusement of animals, we also learned to put a correct perspective on the value of animals compared to the value of people. As for your pets being in the sky or not, the only way to find out is by getting there. And on this path, the rule is to love God above all things and the NEXT as yourself. This is my prayer for you.